
HB Kim Learning Center => Forum - Acupuncture Media => Topic started by: HB KIM on Jan 06, 2009, 12:52 AM

Title: (271) Q & A: Exfoliative keratolysis
Post by: HB KIM on Jan 06, 2009, 12:52 AM
Q:  Hello,

I would like some help re: a man, about 65 y/o, who has been suffering from peeling skin on the palm side -thumb areas (LU 10 area-bilaterally).  He has been suffering for about 1 year... and has sought treatment both Western and Eastern but without much results. 

Any ideas?  Treatments?  Herbal formulas?

A:  Exfoliative keratolysis (Recurrent focal palmar peeling) is a common skin condition in which there is focal peeling of the palms and less often on the soles. It is also known as ‘keratolysis exfoliativa’, and ‘focal palmar peeling’.  In Western medicine, it is related with Hyperhidrosis, Pompholyx, Tinea Manuum, etc.  In Eastern medicine, it is generally DAMP-HEAT pattern.

Internal formula
Na Sha Shen  15g
Shi Hu  15g
Tian Men Dong  15g
Bai Shao  10g
Yu Zhu  10g
Sheng Di Huang  10g
Yi Yi Ren  30g
Dong Gua Pi  30g
Chi Xiao Dou  30g
Sang Zhi  6g
Si Gua Luo  6g
Lian Zi Xin  6g

External formula (Soak the affected area for 10-15 min)
Chen Pi  30g
Gou Ji  30g
Wu Bei Zi  15g
Cang Er Zi  15g
Jin Qian Cao  15g

Auricular Acupuncture
Neurogate (shenmen), Sympathetic, Heart, Hand

Korean Yin-Yang Balancing Treatment
Find more severe or originated side, and sedate opposite side of LU10, tonify opposite side of LU5