
HB Kim Learning Center => Forum - Acupuncture Media => Topic started by: HB KIM on Oct 06, 2007, 03:16 AM

Title: (195) ST41 (Dispersing Stream)
Post by: HB KIM on Oct 06, 2007, 03:16 AM
Clinical Indication of ST41 (Jiexi)

1. Name
ST41 is usually translated into "Dispersing Stream" or "Divide Ravine".  However, the best translation of the first word (Jie) is more close to the meaning of "Release" .  Because ST41 can release the blockage of constipation or urination and liberate the chest stuffiness.

2. Footdrop
ST41 is an important point for footdrop.  For footdrop, ST41 can be combined with UB58 for better result.  Bleeding technique on ST41 is prohibited for footdrop.   (*Footdrop: Paralysis or weakness of the dorsiflexor muscles of the foot, as a consequence of which the foot falls, the toes dragging on the ground in walking; many causes, both central and peripheral.)     

3. Ptosis
This is the best point for ptosis in both point indication and channel energenics.  ST channel starts from below the eye.  ST41 is the Fire point and thus this point tonify ST channel as a mother element.  (*Ptosis: The drooping of the upper eyelid from paralysis of the third nerve or from loss of sympathetic innervation)

4. Chest Bi
This point is also used for chest stuffiness or chest Bi.  Herbs like Zi Su Ye, Zi Su Geng, Gua Lou Ren, Tan Xiang, etc open the chest.  You can use ST41 with those herbs.  There are many points (PC6, LU7, SP9, ST41, RN17 etc) open the chest in different ways.  SP9 is famous for Women's emotional stagnation on the chest.  LU7 is also good for stagnation on chest by sadness.  PC6 open the chest for both physical and emotinal stagnation.  RN17 is locally regulate the Qi in the chest.

5. Caution
Don't use for ankle sprain.  It sounds like paradox, but it can cause footdrop if you damage the tendons.  ST41 is located between the tendons of the extensor digitorum longus and hallucis longus muscles.  Anatomically, Extensor digitorum longus attached to 2nd to 5th toes, Extensor hallucis longus is attached to 1st toe.  Because of the location, it has good effect on footdrop, but it can also lead footdrop if you needle on the tendons.  Especially after the sprain, they are already in the inflammation stage, so you have more chance to damage tendons.

6. Opens two lower orifices
It's not a very important action of ST41, however this point can liberate the stools and urine.