
HB Kim Learning Center => Forum - Acupuncture Media => Topic started by: HB KIM on Sep 09, 2010, 11:48 PM

Title: (305) UB66 (Foot Passage Valley)
Post by: HB KIM on Sep 09, 2010, 11:48 PM
UB66 (Zu Tong Gu, 足通谷)

1. Foot Passage Valley
UB66 (Zu Tong Gu) is translated to Foot Passage Valley.  This name implies that the point can be used for any problem along the length of the UB channel.  This includes the areas of the corner of the eye,  to the head and occipital area, down to the back and lower back, the back of the leg, and finally to the little toe. In general this is a very sensitive point; however, pain can be minimized by locating the point correctly.

Pyung Chim: According to five element theory, UB66 is the water point of the UB channel.  In Pyung Chim (Korean Yin Yang balancing) style acupuncture, one should sedate the point on the same side as the problem, and tonify the point on the opposite side.

2. Headache
UB 66 is very effective at treating Taiyang occipital headaches; however, it is not limited to this area alone.  The UB channel crosses DU20 at the vertex of the head and travels through the frontal area of the head as well. Additionally, a branch of the UB channel crosses points on the GB channel, GB 7, 8, 10, 11, and 20. Therefore, UB66 can be used for headaches in the occipital, frontal, vertex and temple areas.

Extreme Headache: If you have tried using other channels to treat a severe headache and they have not been successful, try using UB66.

Nervous Headache (cephalalgia nervosa): When treating nervous headaches, first use HT5 (Tong Li: Passage Village) and then UB66 after.

3. Eye pain
UB1, at the inner canthus of the eye, is the crossing point of five channels: the UB, SI, ST, yang qiao, and yin qiao. While the only channels that are said to actually enter the eye are the LV and HT channels, the UB channel is closely related to the eye, and can therefore be used to treat eye pain.  In the brain, the visual information from the eye is processed in the occipital area of the brain, and the UB channel passes through both of these areas. So for severe eye pain, try UB66.

4. Sprain of the Little Toe
This type of injury often occurs when the patient is walking barefoot or jumping, or the foot is caught in part of a shoe during movement. As UB66 is a local point on the little toe, it can be effective for sprain of this area. In treatment, follow the pyung chim rule that was discussed above.

5. Brain
UB66 can be used to treat any problem in the internal head and brain, especially heavy head, dizziness, and cerebral anemia. This is mentioned in the Ling Shu (Spritual Axis), where it says that for chaotic Qi in head, one should first try the local points, UB 10 and 11, but if they are not effective, then the distal points UB 65 and 66 should be selected.